Snap quiz! Your mother wants to take you as her guest to a fancy dinner party. No time to shop. Look in the gift closet, what have you got? Nothing? Not good enough!
Think of all the surprise occasions that spring on you each year. Your brother’s birthday, your cousin’s brunch, your aunt’s poodle’s tea. Basically, every time you have a host or a hostess, you’ve got a gifting opportuni-tea.
Avoid an urgent gifting emergency - be prepared
Good preparation is not just for tea and not just for boy scouts. Fortunately for all of us, Harney & Sons understand that we social divas simply don’t have time to race round the stores at the last moment to score the gift that your giftee will love, and which makes you look generous and tasteful. Instead they have created a delightful gift department that is open every day of the year and delivers in just a few short days.

Share your passion for tea
In a way, every cup of tea is a gift. When the tea is good, everything looks brighter, more charming, and more fun. The pure teas beget energy, the blends add unique flavorings to tempt the senses. When you look at Harney & Sons’ beautiful gift wrappings, packages, tins and tea ware, remember that inside all of that is an extraordinary experience, the gift of tea.
Just as tea comes to us from far-flung spots around the world: China, Japan, India, the Americas and many other locations, it is so easy to pack and ship that our tea gifts are light and simple to send. Therefore, it makes sense to pick some of the most delightful gifts - ones that you might like to receive yourself - order them and stash them in your gift closet, ready and waiting for the first opportunity to give them away. No parking, no shopping, no carrying required. We ship them to you and you’re all set!
So many teas that are sure to please
It is true that every individual tin or box of Harney & Sons Fine Teas, tisane and non-caffeinated brews makes a fine gift, such as the Birthday Party and Zodiac Teas already do. But with the holidays approaching, and festive occasions abounding, why not consider taking the gift of tea to the next level? Especially now you can choose from more tea chests, tea gifts with more delicious edibles, lovely tea accessories, tea pots, wellness teas, and too many delights to list here. We suggest that if you’ve got gifting on your mind, you hotfoot it (digitally speaking) over to and prepare to be presented with a joyful array of gifts for everyone and every occasion, and every budget!
The best part of giving is being there when it’s opened
There is nothing quite like the look on the face of someone who receives a Harney gift. Pleasure at the pretty wrappings, deeper impression of the teas and the sweet pleasures inside and finally, the smile when the first cup of Harney tea is brewed. We guarantee that as well as the packaging, it’s what’s inside gifts of Harney tea that will make you, the giver, and the one who receives it, smile.